Sunday, September 30, 2007

Accepting other's information - part one

I find that an unfortunate amount of people today are afraid to learn from the mistakes of others. We feel that we must learn for ourselves. Why is it that history is not looked on as an essential subject? It is an important subject because it can teach us valuable lessons about life. For instance, if we were to look back on all the problems that war has caused over the years and how it has accomplished practically nothing, wouldn’t we be more willing to avoid a war? This is not to say that I am a pacifist. There are sometimes reasons for war, namely self defense, but the majority of wars in this world’s history could have been avoided if people had of realized what the outcome would be-nothing. You see that’s what history is. It’s a looking into the future by means of the past. In essence, history is just repeated over and over again because we are unwilling to learn and move on.

Now if a scientist were to try to come up with a theory that someone else had already come up with, say how to make a light bulb, he would be foolish. He would be wise to study the research already done on light bulbs. He could question the theory itself, test it, and see if he can come up with a better way of doing it, but to spend time “discovering” something someone else has already discovered, is utterly pointless. It’s reliving history. When we are presented with evidence, but say we think that we must try everything out for ourselves, we deceive ourselves into thinking that we our discovering something new.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

My new blog [I'll still mostly post here]

Most of you probably know I am a big Country music fan. I love country music, but I also prefer the lyrics of a Christian song. Fortunately there are a few songs that fit both those categories. I have made a collection of music videos to those songs on my new blog called Christian Country Music Musings. Click here.

Don't worry I will still post on here. Or should I say I will try to post on here. Man Life is so busy these days.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Life at Whatcom

I apologize for not posting in a while. I have been very busy with classes at Whatcom. They have all been going well. I like all my teachers except for maybe my English teacher, but since I’ve only had two English classes I shall not judge her to badly yet. However she will be making us write 6+ pages a week. For me that’s tough. I shall try to, maybe write some good posts for you all here soon. You may be wondering if I could maybe post some of my works from English on here. The answer is maybe, but I would have to edit the writing extensively seeing as they are responses to essays we read. However I will hopefully get something posted soon.

Just in case someone wanted to know, I am taking math 98, English 101, Art 112, and a weight training PE class.

Today I bough drawing supplies for my art class. I felt so stupid. The teacher gave us a list of what we needed, and even showed us examples of what we needed, but when I got to the store and saw shelves upon shelves of art supplies that looked a lot like what I needed, it got a bit overwhelming. Art seams like it will be a lot of fun though. During the quarter we’re supposed to draw 50 short drawings [15 minutes or less]. We will also have larger projects both in and out of class.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Doctrines that I've invented

I would first off like to say that I DO NOT BELIEVE THIS NOR DO I KNOW ANY CHRISTIAN WHO DOES!!! These verses were taken COMPLETELY out of context. THEY ARE NOT BIBLICAL AT ALL.

Heresy #1

Proverbs 14:9 Fools mock

Since we don’t want to be a fool, we shouldn’t mock.

Matthew 5:11"Blessed are you when people insult you

Since we wouldn’t want to withhold people’s blessings, we should insult as many people as possible.

However, we must be careful only to insult and not to mock, because we don’t want to be a fool

Heresy #2

Matthew 6:17-18 But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face,
so that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting,

See it’s biblical, we should gel [put oil on] our hair. And to those who would say that we should only gel when we’re fasting, I strongly rebuke you. We must always gel our hair otherwise people would know we are fasting because we’re wearing gel.

Heresy #3

Job 15:14 What is man… born of woman, that he could be righteous?

Obviously this verse is saying that the fact that men are born from woman is what makes us unrighteous.

Some of you may have heard all of these before, but maybe some of you haven’t. Again, I would like to emphasize that there is NO Christian on the face of this planet that believes this. THIS IS TOTALLY MADE UP. The verses are COMPLETELY taken out of context.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

A modern book of Amos

For three sins of Kim Jong-il of North Korea, even for four the Lord will not turn back his wrath. For he has oppressed his starving people, refusing to give them food and concentrating all his energy towards military power.

For three sins of China, even for four the Lord will not turn back his wrath. For they have killed innocent baby girls.

For three sins of Colombia, even for four the Lord will not turn back his wrath. For they have traded in harmful drugs for the sake of profit.

For three sins of Syria, even for four the Lord will not turn back his wrath. For they have harbored terrorists

For three sins of Cuba, even for four the Lord will not turn back his wrath. For they have oppressed the word of the Lord

For three sins of Iraq, even for four the Lord will not turn back his wrath. For they have broken their promises made to other nations

For three sins of Great Brittan, even for four the Lord will not turn back his wrath. For they have turned from their former faith and have chosen to follow other God’s or the God of science.

For three sins of the United States of America, even for four the Lord will not turn back his wrath. For they have…

1 not sought after God

2 they have tried to bar God from their public places

3 their churches have focused on attendance records rather than God’s word

4 other churches have chosen to hate the sinner instead of the sin

5 they have craved wealth

6 they have killed the unborn

7 they have committed disgusting sexual acts

Just like in the days of Amos, our earth is full of godless nations, but unfortunately the buck doesn’t stop their. Just like in the case of Amos, our nation, too, is ungodly. And just like in the days of Amos, we shouldn’t be to anxious for the Lord’s judgment on other nations, because our nations judgment will be coming.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Problems with Evolutions

When comparing evolution and creation we are confronted with, of course, many differences, but surprisingly there are also many likenesses. Both evolution and creation require either something to have been present for forever, or to have been made from nothing. According to creation, God has been around for forever. To believe in evolution, you must believe that the first cell was either around for forever, or suddenly existed [poof, it’s there]. Both creation and evolution require the believer to take a leap of faith to believe. As I have said, both beliefs require something to either have been around for forever, or to have appeared all of a sudden; aka, both beliefs believe in the supernatural/unscientific.

Creation can’t be proven wrong-you can’t prove there is no God. However you can prove that key factors of evolution don’t work. Creationists claim that an outside force, of which we can’t prove or disprove, formed life here on earth. Aka, this is something knew and untouchable to us. Evolutionists claim that things that were formerly disorderly, or even non existent, were made into something orderly. We scientifically know this to be impossible. So with evolution we know the evidence; we know it isn’t possible. With creation, we don’t have the evidence, therefore we can’t know either way.

There is no way to prove there is no God. God can be anywhere, and in anytime. There is no way for us to prove that God does not exist.

According to the theory of evolution, one species slowly formed into another species by process of mutation. When have we ever known mutations to be helpful? They aren’t; mutations are harmful not helpful. If animals really did evolve from one species to another, why aren’t there more “missing links?” Surely if something slowly mutated into something else, there would be loads of fossil evidence. However the facts say other wise. There have been very few fossils found of the missing links, and the ones that are found are all questionable.

In conclusion, we know evolution to not be possible. We don’t know creation to be impossible.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Mega churhc: the game

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Imagine if you could create the church you wanted, any way you wanted. Put together a worship service exactly the way YOU want: hymns, no hymns, drums, no drums. Are you from Wisconsin, start Polka Mass! Start a building campaign, ask for donations. Be the next Joel Osteen as you play Mega Church.

Product Description
*Pastor a simulated church and create your own Christian empire
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Denominations and Bible colleges use it to prepare potential church planters or associate pastors. It is better than an internship! Do it all without a degree, license or even the Bible! Just like Joel Osteen

Click here to buy

Sunday, September 16, 2007

New Get Smart Trailer starring Steve Carell

This so dumb, yet funny

Friday, September 14, 2007

God’s Marvelous Handiwork [part 3]

In this last post of this series, I would like to talk about how nature reminds us of God’s awesome power. Psalm 19:1 says The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands. The revealing of God’s power through creation has two affects. One is to show the believer how awesome God is. The other is to show believers that there is a God. In Romans 1:18-20, Paul tells us that because of the magnitude of God’s creation, no one has a right not to believe in God.

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. For  since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.

There is so much that just doesn’t make sense with the process of evolution. Look at the Ant Eater for example. The Ant Eater’s mouth isn’t made for eating anything but ants, yet there are no other animals with a mouth shaped like the ant eaters. How could the ant eater have evolved slowly? In the process of its mouth growing out, it would have lost the ability to eat normal food, and still not been able to eat ants. So if the Ant Eater were to have evolved slowly, at some time or other along the way it wouldn’t have been able to eat anything. Aka, it would have died out.

If nature has such a powerful role as to show men that there is a God, I would like to see more of this nature. Wouldn’t you?

Clearly there are more reasons that nature is important, but I don’t have time to cover them all. I would like to say real quickly that I am not an environmental whack job. Someday I’ll get around to posting my non-to-gratifying view of environmentalists, but that shall come another day. In ending, I would like to say that I encourage you to find some form of outside recreation. Whether it be hiking, biking, camping, or jogging, I think you’ll be amazed at the beauty of what God has created for you.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

God’s Marvelous Handiwork [part two]

In America we suffer from obesity, and guessing from the amount of weight loss books in Christian stores, and weight loss programs on Christian TV, I’d say that Christians have succumb to this failing, too. While there are many other issues involved in this problem, one of the biggest is a laziness that causes young and old to stay inside, glued to their electrical devices of entertainment instead of being outside, enjoying quality time together as families. When most people think of exercise they think of going to the gym. They think they’re too busy to go outside, but if you read this series, I think you’ll be persuaded that there are enough benefits of outside exercise to make it worth your time.

I personally really love the outdoors. It amazes me to think that God loved us enough to create a beautiful world for us to live in. 3-d vision, color, shapes; these are just some of the amazing gifts that God has given us to brighten our world. It’s sad that we take these gifts for granted. Think of the mountains. What practical use do they have? Yes, during spring the snow melts, giving us water to drink, but couldn’t God have provided another way to get water? Yes, but he didn’t. He loves us and he wants us to have something beautiful to see. Why did God make flowers so beautiful? Why didn’t he make them brown or black or grey? He did it because he loves us, and wants to give us good things.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

If You're Reading This

In Rememberance of 9/11

God’s Marvelous Handiwork [part 1]

Our family just got back from an awe-inspiring back packing trip on the beautiful Olympic Peninsula. It was awesome to get out into God’s magnificent creation and see his wonderful handiwork. I’m amazed at how many believers don’t take the time to see the beauty of God’s creation. This is the first post in a series that I will be writing to encourage you to get out and see God’s creation first hand. God has given us such lavish blessings, and yet why don’t we take time to see them? Besides giving beauty to our eyes, God’s creation also gives us an opportunity both to exercise and to see into the magnificent character our powerful God.

This world has created a false sense of beauty. We’ve said that beauty is the sexy girl with tons of mascara, in a bikini, on a magazine, in the checkout line at the grocery store. While God has created humans, and thus they are a beautiful creation, our society has taken what was beautiful, altered it, and made something revolting - sin. This paragraph may seam WAY out of place from the rest of this series, but I just wanted to make a point that God’s beauty is far better than earthly, sinful, “beauty.” I would also like to add that getting into nature usually gets you, at least partially, away from the false “beauty” of this world. It’s great to be out in the wilderness, knowing that you’re away from the bustle of people. And where there are less people, there are less temptations from the opposite sex.

Monday, September 10, 2007

We Stand United

We remember the events of September 11th

We sympathize with those who are still hurting

We support our troops, protecting our nation

We understand the war on terror must be won

We stand united, or together we fall.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Photos from this summer

Here are some photos I took on our backpacking trip.

They're not that great. I think I'm a bit out of practice.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Tomorrow our family [except for mom] sets out for a 3-day camping trip on the Peninsula. This will be our first hike in trip. The hike is 2 miles to the ocean beach and then about another 2 miles to where we want to camp. Please pray for safety.

I have a post almost ready to go for when I get back so don’t get too impatient.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

"This is good"

In her book Lessons for a Super Mom [my mom’s book, not mine], Helen Middlebrooke tells this story that a friend of hers shared in Sunday school. While it isn’t specifically Christian, it does effectively remind us of how God is sovereign and how he works everything out for the best.

A king had a loyal and faithful cupbearer. The king trusted him completely. The two were friends. But the cupbearer had an interesting habit. In the most dire of circumstances, his first response was always to say, “This is good.”

One day, the king had a black-powder rifle. The cupbearer loaded it incorrectly and when it fired, it blew off the king’s thumb. The cupbearer said, “This is good.” Enraged, the king threw his friend into the deepest dungeon.

A year later, the king was traveling in Africa when a tribe of man-eaters captured him. As he was about to be cooked, the tribe’s leader noticed he had no thumb. Because they would not eat anything imperfect, the king was released.

He hurried home and to the dungeon. He was filled with overwhelming thankfulness, for he realized that had he not lost his thumb, he would have lost his life. The king
released his friend and could not apologize enough for having imprisoned him.

All the cupbearer said was: “This is good; this is good.”

“How can you say that being locked in a dungeon was good?!” the king demanded.

“Sire,” the cupbearer said, “I am your cupbearer. I am always at your side. Had I not been in prison, I would have surely been with you when they discovered your thumb missing. I would have been eaten instead. So this is good.”

Saturday, September 1, 2007

I’d like to just share a couple nuggets that stuck out to me today. The first is a poem by Fanny Crosby.

More like Jesus would I be, let my Savior dwell with me;
Fill my soul with peace and love—make me gentle as a dove;
More like Jesus, while I go, pilgrim in this world below;
Poor in spirit would I be; let my Savior dwell in me.
If He hears the raven’s cry, if His ever watchful eye
Marks the sparrows when they fall, surely He will hear my call:
He will teach me how to live, all my sinful thoughts forgive;
Pure in heart I still would be—let my Savior dwell in me.
More like Jesus when I pray, more like Jesus day by day,
May I rest me by His side, where the tranquil waters glide.
Born of Him through grace renewed, by His love my will subdued,
Rich in faith I still would be—let my Savior dwell in me.

The second nugget I actually found by listening to Steven Curtis Chapman explain story behind the song You Are Being Loved off his soon-to-be-released album This Moment.

Zephaniah 3:17 says The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing."

Isn’t it great to know that God rejoices over us?