Sunday, April 27, 2008

Different members, one body

Here’s a little example from what I’m learning in economics

Ann can produce either 8 loaves of bread, or 4 bagels or any linear
combination in-between in one

Ben can produce 3 loaves of bread, or 3 bagels or any linear combination
in-between in one day.

Cal can produce 1 loaf of bread or 2 bagels
or any linear combination in-between in one day.

So, who is the most efficient producer of bagels? Ann you might say. She can produce the most. But in reality it’s Cal. Lets look at an example. Say we need one bagel and as many loafs of bread as possible. If you have Cal make the one loaf of bread, thinking that he is the least efficient maker of Bagels, you are wrong. You will end up getting 3 bagels from Ben and 4 bagels from Ann for a total of 7 bagels. But if, however, you have Ann produce the one loaf of bread, Cal will produce 2 bagels, Ben will produce 3 bagels, and with her left over time Ann will produce 3 ½ bagels making for a total of 8 1/2 bagels. So in actuality, Ben is the most efficient producer of bagels, and Ann is the least.

I know this is a stretch, but when I first read this I really thought to myself of 1 Corinthians 12:12 which says For even as the body is one and yet has many members, and all the members of the body, though they are many, are one body, so also is Christ. For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to drink of one Spirit. This doesn’t really sound encouraging at all I know, we see our work in the church as being small, and someone else might even actually be able to do this better than me, but this is where I can serve best, and by serving here, I allow someone else to serve somewhere else. So just a quick little (I hope) encouraging thought.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

First Softball Season

Woot! We had our first softball game yesterday and we... well... let's just say we had fun.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

An Engineer's Guide to Cats

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Setting our Sights

In life we quite often tend to focus too much on the negative. I find that when I work with kids, all too often I’m correcting them to much and forgetting to praise them enough. But I also see this is my own life. I focus too much on hating evil and the sin in my life that I don’t focus on righteousness and my righteous savior. Hebrews 12:2 says Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. Now you may be thinking “so what’s the difference between focusing on staying away for sin, and focusing on righteousness?” And indeed I am not trying to make a big doctrine out of this (as I am so known to do). And I am certainly not trying to say that there is no place for focusing on the negative and our sin problem. Anyone who’s ever worked with kids knows that no matter how much praise you give a child, there still remains those times when a stern word of discipline is needed. So we also need to be aware of the sin in our own lives. But in so doing, we must remember that it is impossible to take off wickedness, without putting on righteousness. I think far too often our attempts to live a holy, set apart life end up being our attempts to overcome sin on our own. And as I’m sure we can all testify to, that doesn’t work so well. So again, my point is not that we should be aware of sin in our lives, but that only through God can we have righteousness. Because God is righteousness. Any attempts to put on our own form of righteousness will be futile.

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Well it looks like Mickey Mouse beet out Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton. 5-0-0. Good job Mickey! The new poll has to do with what I’ve been learning about in physics. Is a glass of water more valuable or a glass of diamonds? Post what you voted for and why below.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

A few thoughts on cat The Cat

No, no, no, NOOOOOOOO

Holy Smolly, you call that warm?

But... but... but I thought you loved me

Traction. I'm loosing traction.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Lambs 2008 - 2

Baby lambs

Well one of the sheep lambed today. Aren't they adorable?


Wooot! As of right now, the Mariners are ahead of their division. Of course they’ve only played one game and this may be the last time all season they’re ahead-but for now, they’re ahead.