Monday, December 24, 2007

Another Doctrine

Again, this is not ment to be serious. As far as I know the bible says nothing about guys wearing ties. The verses quoted in this section were completely taken out of context.

Trevor - A tie is a symbol of being held captive. Christ has released us from the yoke [which goes around one's neck - exactly like a tie] of sin. You see, ties are a symbol of being held captive to sin.

Elizabeth – we have now become slaves to righteousness so we are still slaves

Trevor - Yes, but
“For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:30
Obviously this can't be referring to a tie.

Elizabeth - We are to be slaves of righteousness (Romans 6:17) and the Greek word (δουλαγωγέω ) Paul uses there means “literally to lead into slavery,” or figuratively, relating to one’s physical body and bringing it under control. What does a tie do? It brings your body under control.

Trevor - Yes, a tie brings your body under control, but under what control? It brings it under the control of the sinful self who is willing to do anything, and I mean anything sinful to get rid of this tie. You see a tie brings a person under control, but it is the control of the sinful self.

Elizabeth –
1 Cor. 4:17
“For this slight momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, “ (eternal weight of glory=guys look good in ties)

2 Tim. 2:3
“Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus."

2 Tim. 2:8-10
“Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, the offspring of David, as preached in my gospel, 9 for which I am suffering, bound with chains as a criminal. But the word of God is not bound! 10 Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they also may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.”
If Paul endured chains, I’m pretty sure you can handle a tie.

Trevor - If forgetting where it's found but somewhere it says that when suffer you should make sure that you suffer because of Christ and not because of the wicked things that you have done. Since wearing a tie most definitely does not fall under suffering for Christ, it must fall under the category of wicked things.


Janel said...

I am truely amazed at the two of you.

Paul DeJarnette said...

Interesting interpretation there, Trevor. *eye roll*

Unknown said...

Hmmm.... should I wear a tie to church?

Isaacme said...

of course not Jeremy.

Jeff said...

great. ive never liked ties on me, now i know why. hey, a clip-on mite work!! lol. at least they're less uncomfortable. that was definitely a random collision with your brain there trevor!! :p

Janel said...

yeah it was random and they kept at it for several days. (I did more forwarding emails during that time then I probably have the rest of my life)

Paul DeJarnette said...

I'll have to see some of those... *broad wink*

My cut on the issue - there may not be a right or a wrong here, but did you consider that God does ask for our best? If a t-shirt and jeans are your very best, then wonderful. But if you have a tie and collared shirt, are they your best? If so, is there a problem with wearing them? Not to mention the fact that you might actually look rather dashing in a tie......

Isaacme said...

Paul, lol, no I don't wear jeans to church, however, the definition of best isn't quite as straight forward as it used to be. Actually the context of this conversation had to do with a company dinner, not church.

Jef. I suppose a clip on would be alright since it doesn't actually go around your neck, but since it has the appearance of going around your neck, someone might take it as a real tie and that would be a sin. However a bow tie would probably be ok.

Paul DeJarnette said...

*throws up hands in despair*

*gives Trevor up as a lost cause* :P