Friday, February 27, 2009


Just to proove how brave I am to Abbie I put both Nickleback and Green Day on my playlist. I thought about putting Stacey's Mom by Fountains of Wayne on there but my better judgement won out. It's kind of a funny song in a twisted sort of a way for anyone who is brave enough to look it up.

Well today I got accepted to UW. So now I have a decision to make. I still need to find out from them how well my credits will transfer down there and the only way I can do that is to go to one of their "transfer Thursday's." In case you couldn't tell by the name it's on thursday's in the afternoon which is when my Spanish class is which I really can't skip which makes it really inconvenient. So I think I'll go down there durring spring break. I also have to wait to hear back from FAFSA (financial aid) before I can finalize my choice. I also emailed Montana State today to find out more about their architecture program.

Ps. The councilers at UW are really anoying. I tried calling them today to find out about transfering credits and for all of my questions she kept saying "did you look at our website?" Yes I did, that why I'm calling you idiot.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

My testimony

I don’t remember the date when I first asked Jesus into my heart and even as a child I prayed a sinner’s prayer several times. However even though I don’t remember the date, I remember one time when I was about 5 of 6 I was sitting on the couch being bored and I remember feeling very aware of being a sinner separated from God. I remember looking all around the house, not being able to find mom, and being very sad because I needed to ask Jesus into my heart right then. Well finally I found my mom outside and we prayed together.

I wish I could say that from that time on I was perfect but that would be another sin to add to my repertoire. I was not a good kid. While it may be hard to believe, at 7 years old I was quite a ladies man. Kind of scary. Heading into my preteen and early teen years, things didn’t get much better. I didn’t get along with my parents or my younger brother, I couldn’t care less about school and I couldn’t wait until the day I would move out. Well God in his sovereign hand began to use my own sinful motives to begin to mold me.

Around 14 I realized that if I was going to be able to move out, I would have to go to college which would mean starting to actually care about my schooling. So I began to work hard at my school and started to show a little more respect towards my parents. My heart still wasn’t devoted to following God, but then God began to change me. There wasn’t any one defining moment but through a series of events such as a move, new friends, new church, and an experience at Christian Youth In Action (C.Y.I.A.) camp God had really brought me to the point of desiring to please him.

Now I still can’t say I’m perfect (all of you reading this know me to well for that), but God has really helped me desire to live for him. I no longer am longing to move out. In fact I dread the thought of moving out this fall. There are still many aspects that I wish God would suddenly make me perfect in, but he continues to mold me and I am forever grateful for what he has done for me.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I thinned my hair.

So I got through today and neither Hannah or Emily noticed that I thinned my hair. Woot!!! (in case you were wondering they gave me a hard time when Hannah hilighted her hair and I didn't notice.)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Long weekends are awesome

I love long weekends. So far this weekend I've gone to two parties, visited a friends church and had my Cousins from Portland over. And we still have tomorow off of school. But I dread going back on Tuesday. I'm really not a big fan of school at all.

Wow this post was completely random.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sleep Depraved #2

You know you're sleep depraved when

1) you spend two minutes at night arguing with yourself about whether you should set your alarm for 6:42 or 6:43 the next morning.

2) You send Hannah an email explaining about the atachment that you just so happen to forget to attach.

In all this sleep depravedness, I didn't forget to get my GF something. Mrs. S. Posted the pics on her site here. (would you look at that I actually remembered to actually include the link before hitting the publish now button.)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

It's not long but it has a photo

So Valentines Day is next Saturday and like any good boyfriend I got my GF a present

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Woot CEF sesion is just around the corner. I can't wait. Applications are due March 14 so if you're interested talk to either me or Holly about an application. And if you know of any guys that are interested we would LOVE to have more guys. (Emily you should talk to your Victor about it.)