Sunday, February 22, 2009

My testimony

I don’t remember the date when I first asked Jesus into my heart and even as a child I prayed a sinner’s prayer several times. However even though I don’t remember the date, I remember one time when I was about 5 of 6 I was sitting on the couch being bored and I remember feeling very aware of being a sinner separated from God. I remember looking all around the house, not being able to find mom, and being very sad because I needed to ask Jesus into my heart right then. Well finally I found my mom outside and we prayed together.

I wish I could say that from that time on I was perfect but that would be another sin to add to my repertoire. I was not a good kid. While it may be hard to believe, at 7 years old I was quite a ladies man. Kind of scary. Heading into my preteen and early teen years, things didn’t get much better. I didn’t get along with my parents or my younger brother, I couldn’t care less about school and I couldn’t wait until the day I would move out. Well God in his sovereign hand began to use my own sinful motives to begin to mold me.

Around 14 I realized that if I was going to be able to move out, I would have to go to college which would mean starting to actually care about my schooling. So I began to work hard at my school and started to show a little more respect towards my parents. My heart still wasn’t devoted to following God, but then God began to change me. There wasn’t any one defining moment but through a series of events such as a move, new friends, new church, and an experience at Christian Youth In Action (C.Y.I.A.) camp God had really brought me to the point of desiring to please him.

Now I still can’t say I’m perfect (all of you reading this know me to well for that), but God has really helped me desire to live for him. I no longer am longing to move out. In fact I dread the thought of moving out this fall. There are still many aspects that I wish God would suddenly make me perfect in, but he continues to mold me and I am forever grateful for what he has done for me.


Jeff said...

Wow! I love hearing testimonies. Each story of God's salvation is so amazing. How amazing that He would unconditionally elect you and I before the foundation of the world! Thanks for sharing!

Shelby said...

That’s a fun thing to read about Trevor! Neat to see the lord work in you...looking back can be a good thing, we can see mile markers of where we where then and where the Lord is taking us now...and praise Him for what he has done!

Kelsey said...

Thanks for sharing that Trevor! It's so awesome to look back on our lives and see the work that the Lord has done in us (and is still doing!) Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad God grabbed you, Trev. I so enjoy being around you and appreciate the godly example you are at college and other places, too.=) May you keep up the good work by the grace of God.

P.s. I am totally going to Hawaii with the gang!! :D

Anonymous said...

what a testimony! He went from a dirty rotten sinner to the great guy he is now.
Wait, that's what God does to all of us. How amazing is that?

Anonymous said...

For all of you who voted "where's Hawaii?" it is due west of Mexico City, Mexico, and due south of Barrow, Alaska. It is where, on December 7, 1941, the Imperial Japanese navy and air forces attacked the United States military forces. Some would claim that the attack was provoked by FDR but others maintain that the japanese decided to attack the US forces even though they had NO hope of actually defeating us. One of the arguments for the provocation theory is the fact that America supplied the Japanese with the majority of their imported goods, about 80% of the goods that Japan imported were from the US.
-WW2 Nut