Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Why did God create colds?

Why did God create colds? To let us see how inviting death really is and how much we can’t wait for perfection in heaven where there are NO COLDS. Don’t worry though, I’m not considering suicide… yet.


Anonymous said...

Sorry about the cold. Do you believe in the "starve a cold" thing?
BTW you need to put recess or lunch or something like that on your poll, none of the choices are worth choosing.

Anonymous said...

WHY DIDN'T "WORLD'S END" DO WELL??? I want to know before I see it.
Is it even worth watching? JK

Isaacme said...

It wasn't that it was a bad movie, it just didn't do well in theaters. It's not quite as funny as the second one, but it still has its moments.

Aidyn Nicole said...

I really like the "World's End" movie except for the end which could have been in cut in half without missing a thing. But the beginning and up till the last battle is GOOD.

Katie said...

Sorry about the cold... I just got over one.