Friday, December 21, 2007

A Gentleman's Conduct Toward Ladies.

My sister posted this on her blog, but I figured that since it was for guys I would post it here.

Gentlemen are at liberty to invite their lady friends to concerts, operas, balls, etc.,to call upon them at their homes, to ride and drive with them, and make themselves agreeable to all young ladies to whom their company is acceptable. In fact they are at liberty to accept invitations and give them ad libitum. As soon, however, as a young gentleman neglects all others, to devote himself to a single lady, he gives that lady reason to suppose that he is particularly attracted to her, and ma give her cause to believe that she is to become engaged to him,without telling her so. A gentleman who does not contemplate matrimony should not pay too exclusive attention to any one lady.1887


Isaacme said...

After posting this I realized that probably over half of my blog readers are girls.

Janel said...

Well I realized that about my blog before I posted that quote and I posted it any way...It is still a good quote.

Jeff said...

some good guidelines