Sunday, March 8, 2009

What God has been teaching me lately

God has been showing me that while I’m a schedule person and need to plan out a specific time of day for my devotions other wise it doesn’t get done, I need to have more flexibility during my quite time. I’m to much of a: I’ve read today’s devotional, check. I’ve read my scripture for today, check. I’ve had my time of prayer for today, check, type of person. God has been showing me that someday I might need more of one component of my quite time than I do other days and that it’s alright to cut another part short or even *gasp* cut it out all together for the day. So there you have my random bit of what God has been teaching me lately for today.


Shelby said...

Hm those are good thoughts Trevor! Its a blessing...and quite times are certainly not something that is tied to an exact "recipe" or formula (recipe? that’s a girl for ya ;).

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Trevor. I've adjusted quiet times for my schedule as well...I usually do them at night, after work is done. I've enjoyed doing it that way.

Btw you should TOTALLY take drama next quarter!!!