Sunday, July 12, 2009

True Success

God showed to me this last week just how much I judge success of anything I do by the outcome of it. If it’s a test, by what score I get. If it’s playing the violin, how few mistakes I make. If it’s working with kids, how well they behaved and how many decisions for Christ were made. But God has been showing me that it’s not just about visible outcomes. If all the kids at day camp are being little brats that doesn’t mean I’m a failure or that I should just give up loving on the kids and go about the day half-hearted. No. There are things and outcome going on that I can’t see. I am still required by the word of God to work at that activity with all my might as working for the Lord not men. I used to look at that verse and think that the hard part about obeying that verse was doing hard activities. But maybe the hardest times to obey that verse might be when we have to fight the mental battle against thinking that we’re failures and wanting to give up. So don’t give up my brothers and sisters. Continue of working for the Lord. Because even when you can’t see the labor of your work you can know that your labor is for the Lord not men.


marie said...

I love it, Trevor. If success or failure determined the worth of the effort, Peter, after denying Christ publicly 3 times, would never have been permitted to preach the gospel. Would you let someone preach the truth and start churches who had denied the Savior? Love that God is bigger and in charge of all our failures. Love grace. Love forgiveness. Love my Savior. Thanks, Trevor!

Shelby said...


maybe said...

I'm appreciate your writing skill.Please keep on working hard.^^