Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Life at Whatcom

I apologize for not posting in a while. I have been very busy with classes at Whatcom. They have all been going well. I like all my teachers except for maybe my English teacher, but since I’ve only had two English classes I shall not judge her to badly yet. However she will be making us write 6+ pages a week. For me that’s tough. I shall try to, maybe write some good posts for you all here soon. You may be wondering if I could maybe post some of my works from English on here. The answer is maybe, but I would have to edit the writing extensively seeing as they are responses to essays we read. However I will hopefully get something posted soon.

Just in case someone wanted to know, I am taking math 98, English 101, Art 112, and a weight training PE class.

Today I bough drawing supplies for my art class. I felt so stupid. The teacher gave us a list of what we needed, and even showed us examples of what we needed, but when I got to the store and saw shelves upon shelves of art supplies that looked a lot like what I needed, it got a bit overwhelming. Art seams like it will be a lot of fun though. During the quarter we’re supposed to draw 50 short drawings [15 minutes or less]. We will also have larger projects both in and out of class.


Jeff said...

what do you plan on as a career trevor. has art always been an interest? it used to be so for me, but i am too impatient. i dont like to take the time to get good at something like that when there are things i am already good at to do. sorry, that was a long-winded paragraph. but i think you get the point. i think you have been well-prepared for the english class tho. I went thru the same one and it definitely took my skills up to a different level, hard as it was. keep up the good work!

Isaacme said...

about the english class [don't ever tell mrs. Jordan I said this] it seams like my college teacher wants to totally be the opposite of mrs. Jordan. She says things like "you don't need a thesis statement or three points." Or she might say,"Don't worry about spelling and grammar as much as getting your thoughts down on paper." It's kind of wierd.

I plan on being an architect. NO, I have not always done art. I didn't start doing really ANY art until this summer after I had already signed up for the art class. I knew that I need lots of art for architecture though. What I didn't realize is how much I REALY REALY REALY love drawing.