Friday, August 17, 2007

My Testimony

A perfect church attendance record. Knowledge of all the classic bible stories. Conservative parents and a conservative church that both taught me about God from the moment I took my first breathe. But sitting on the couch one day, I knew something was missing. I don’t remember a whole a lot about that day; I don’t even remember the year, though I do think I was about 7. However I do remember sitting, doing not much of anything, and feeling a sure, gripping feeling that I wasn’t whole and that I was separated forever from my creator because of my sin. I looked all around the house for my mom, but couldn’t find her. I remember being near tears by the time that I finally found her outside. I don’t remember my exact word, but I do know that that day I helplessly and joyfully accepted Jesus Christ as my savior and surrendered my life to him.

I was a good kid. I still had my perfect church record. I was obedient [most of the time.] I had my devotion time every day. But about a year ago I realized that my relationship with Jesus was not growing closer. I was satisfied with were I was in life. I had minimized my short comings. I didn’t have a real sudden conviction, but rather over a period over time God showed me that I needed to be constantly “excelling still more.” It’s not enough to read the bible and pray, you have to continually ask God to help you over come your struggles. I guess God is still showing me that.

My testimony isn’t one of someone who was on drugs, but it does have something in common with the drug addict turned Jesus addict – I’ve felt God’s call on my life – and that’s super cool. To know that God has called me, not in some weird, audible way, but in the gripping of the heart, is so cool. A few months ago, I would have told you I had no opinion on the Calvinism vs. Armenian issue [yes, even after pastor’s seemingly never ending series on the subject.] However God has shown me how cool a thing his election and calling is. Well that’s my testimony. What about your testimony? It may not be as cool as someone else’s, but remember, you were called by God. In the grand scope of God’s greatness, it doesn’t really matter what you were saved from, all that matters is where you are going from here.


Paul DeJarnette said...

How true. Anything God does in one's life is amazing! How incredible that God would choose to intervene and change the direction we are going and where we spend eternity!