Saturday, July 14, 2007

Friday, July 13

I can summarize Friday in one word – Tired. It has been a long week. We were expecting 30-60 kids and instead we got 90. Praise the Lord that 90 kids heard about Christ [many had no idea what a Christian was before this week]. Having that many kids did provide a few problems though. The biggest one was that we didn’t have enough crafts. We came up with some other crafts, but the leaders had no idea what they were doing because they were learning how to do the craft along with the kids. Anyway this has been a fun week but I am very much enjoying my weekend.

Friday evening we went to a Mariners game. It was a blast; all except for the drive down that is. We got stuck in bad traffic and when traffic suddenly stopped the traffic behind us didn’t. To make matters scarier that vehicle that hit us was a motorcycle. We were in the left lane and he couldn’t stop so he tried to go onto the left shoulder but he hit the back left corner of our van first. I was sitting in the back seat and saw the guy coming and so when I heard the thump I thought “oh man there’s a dead guy splattered to the back of the van.” Luckily only the guys mirror hit our van and the guy, our car, and most of his bike was ok. However it was a very scary ordeal. Well the Mariners lost 6-3 but it was a fun game and there were a lot of people from church there.

I’ll try to post a real post sometime here.