Monday, July 23, 2007

Monday, July 23

Today we had 29 kids so it was about the size of our last club, but it seamed a lot smaller because we had a lot larger facility. Today it rained, but the rest of the week it should be nice.

Two of the kids on our group had a very hard time with obeying. We would tell them to do something and they would just refuse to do it. Thank goodness they aren’t rowdy kids, but their disobedience is really bad. Now at club we have rewards for kids that behave and we told these two kids that they wouldn’t get the rewards if they didn’t shape up, but that didn’t work as an encouragement at all [and yes we didn’t give them the rewards]. Tomorrow we’ll have to try taking away such things as game time, snack time, and craft time. One of the hard things with one of the families that one of these kids comes from is that his parents are professing Christians, but they don’t walk with the Lord and they totally allow the kids to disobey at home. This same kid [Ben] prayed a sinner’s prayer last year at camp, and he knows all the fundamentals of the gospel, but for him to see his Christ-professing parents not walking with the Lord at home, he’s getting mixed messages. Please pray for Ben. [and for good weather.]