Saturday, March 29, 2008

An update

Spring break is almost over *Sniff* *Sniff*. Well in case anyone was interested, here are a list of things I did during my break.
- Put rocks along the far end of the pool
- Put pavers on the close end of the pool
- Move one of the flower gardens back towards the house
- Redo some of the siding on the garage
- Redo some of the facial board on the garage

I’m very proud of myself that I actually did something with myself during this break.

I don’t know if it snowed at everyone’s house, but it certainly snowed at mine today. As in sticking snow. As in here in practically April. I say we all drive our cars and hurry up this whole global warming thing. I’m tired of this cold.


Aidyn Nicole said...

You used the wrong tense, shame on you, jk

Paul DeJarnette said...

Ummmm.... if we pull all the weeds and bushes and chop down all the trees and stuff (so that we have nothing to purify the air we breathe) maybe that would do it. Driving our cars more is probably not *really* going to speed things up. I know. You hate waiting. Oh well. You'll get over it with counselling.

Anonymous said...

You did something with yourself? What did you do, make a duplicat of yourself and then the two of you went and did something?
Ha, look what I have started, everyone will start to do spelling and grammer checks on the stuff you write on your blog.

Anonymous said...

BTW Trev is your pic supposed to be in the little yellowish brown box at the top of your posts?

Isaacme said...

Oh dear, your "wonderful" qualities are rubbing off on others, Ian.

Anonymous said...

Hey it's not my fault i'm so wonderful and everyone wants to be just like me. :D