Monday, December 22, 2008

WSU application

Well I've been filling out my application to WSU and I thought I would share with you a few of the wonderfull short essay questions that I've been answering.

Knowledge or creativity in a field: Describe any of your special interests and how you have developed knowledge in these areas. Give examples of your creativity: the ability to see alternatives; take diverse perspectives; come up with many, varied, or original ideas; or willingness to try new things.

Dealing with adversity: Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to address this challenge. Include whether you turned to anyone in facing that challenge, the role that person played, and what you learned about yourself.

Community service: Explain what you have done to make your community a better place to live. Give examples of specific projects in which you have been involved over time.

Handling systemic challenges: Describe your experiences facing or witnessing discrimination. Tell us how you responded and what you learned from those experiences and how they prepared you to contribute to the WSU community.


Jeff said...

that is so cool that you're going there!

Isaacme said...

You should so come with me to WSU Jeff.

Anonymous said...

oh, man, trevor, those are nasty!! Fail! talk about time consuming! geez, not like that's any of their business anyway! you just want to be an architect for crying out loud!
btw, everyone's coming to pcc, rememebr?!

Isaacme said...

Yah, I never knew how short 100 words was before I started working on these.

Anonymous said...

Hey, at least they didn't ask you if're pregnant, nursing, or may become pregnant... those questions were included on the patient info. that Chris had to fill out at the eye doc. I wanted him to check one just to see if they actually read them....but he wouldn't. Darn kids.

Shelby said...

Oh my....I am sure that you will do great though and have some impressive answers…are you going to post the essays when you are done? :)

Isaacme said...

Oh, you're so right. Chris so should have done that. Did you offer him any money or anything?

Thanks Shelby. Sure I'll do that.