Thursday, January 29, 2009


So probably most of you have heard by now that within his first week in office, president Barack Obama has already put forward his stance on abortion by allowing the continuation of government support to organizations that perform abortions. Let me say that if you don’t believe unborn babies are not really human, I can sort of understand how you could think abortion is ok. However I don’t understand why anyone would want to use government money to support such abortion. If your ignorant and thus think it’s ok is one thing, but why do we have to support it?

If this sounded at all disrespectful, I’m sorry and that was not my intention. Just letting off a little steam (I’m sure Hannah and Emily could come up with a better term for that.)


Anonymous said...

I am so burdened about this as well, Trevor. Especially the fact that President Obama started funding other countries for abortions--an act that President Bush put an end to as soon as he was in office back in 2001.

Shelby said...

Yeah, I think that you have a right to let off some steam about this one...its extreamly heartbreaking and frustrating! I say nooooo Palin! Huckabee!!! I don't think I like Palin...she doesn't exactly walk her talk. :(

Jeff said...

I totally get what your saying, Trevor. Apart from it being murder which is obviously bad enough already, now we're wasting money on it. What a grievous sin.
btw, what's wrong with Palin?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe he's having us, thats right the tax payers,(I know, we aren't tax payers yet.) pay to support abortion in other countrys. its bad enough that we send billions overseas to "keep peace" between tons of nations, but paying them to allow abortion is really sad.
And btw the whole thing about keeping the peace overseas doesn't work. It just gets other nations mad at us and we end up with stuff like Sep. 11th.

Anonymous said...

Ok I know I'm not making much sense...
as usual. :)