Wednesday, March 19, 2008

New design

Well I’ve updated the look on the blog so what do you think? I know that the music thing is messed up. It’s supposed to be much wider, but you guys will just have to deal with it until I find the humbleness to go on my knees and ask Abbie how to put it on the bottom of the page.


Anonymous said...

We'll deal with it Trev, aka. don't beg Abbie.
But don't listen to me we have dial up so I can't listen to the music anyway.

Aidyn Nicole said...

Cool new look, and Great song selections. And unlike ian I can listen to the songs, hehe.

Isaacme said...

Ian, I'm so amazed you haven't made fun of the fact that on the poll I said better instead of best.

Anonymous said...

i only giv u flak bout spelin trev. :)

Janel said...

There is even a possibility that you would beg Abbie. That is amazing!!!

Aidyn Nicole said...

I have to admit, although I love the music, every time I come on here it scares me 'cause I don't expect it.

Isaacme said...

Yah, there are two things that I REALLY wish they would change with that music player. One is that it wouldn't start automatically and the other is that it would randomly go through the songs so you don't start with the same song all the time.

Anonymous said...

It would also be nice if you could put a stop button on it, so that you could stop downloading the songs. It takes about three times as long for your blog to open.
BTW Very funny Aidyn. :p
refering to your first comment.

Isaacme said...

Woot! I figured out how to make it not start up automatically and also to put on a random shuffle. I also figured out how to put it at the bottom of the page but I ended up not wanting it there.

Paul DeJarnette said...


Couple of suggestions. Having two narrow columns (i.e. "About me" and your music players) next to each other makes it difficult. Put one on one side, and the other on the far side, with your posts in the middle. Second - I have a MONSTROUS 1920x1200 screen and your music players are cut off on the right hand side (possibly browser, but far more likely to be the code in the player). Other than that, very nice.

Paul DeJarnette said...

I just realized you already knew about the music player... :D

Anonymous said...

pretty cool trevor. im a lefty, so putting all your stuff on the right kinda thru me off. thats ok tho. my sidebar is on the right too. :p lol. nice playlist btw!

Isaacme said...

Paul: ya there are some things that would be nice to change with it, but I got this as a template. I didn’t make it myself. The last time I tried changing something in the code it said it didn’t like me (well those weren’t it’s exact words).

Paul DeJarnette said...

Those weren't exact words that it said to you? :)

It's still good though.

Anonymous said...

Who is this "yerffej" wierdo?
BTW refering to the hand thing, right is right.

Isaacme said...

lol not exactly Paul :p

Nice name Jef!