Sunday, January 25, 2009

I can't think so I'll be random

Waaaaaahhhh... I just remembered that set my alarm again for tomorow morning. Man the weekend is nice. Spanish is killing me. The thing is since my teacher gives practice tests I could probably just studdy the practice tests and do way less work and still get a good grade, but no, it's that stupid thing called a work ethic that makes me want to actually learn the darn material.

I'm so soar. On saturday a bunch of us helped out a family from our church who had had a mudslide right next to their house the last big rain storm we got. So I spent an entire day hauling 35-50 pound sand bags straight up a hill that was steaper than Alabama, about 3/4 as long and that had so tough a terrain it was at times slightly difficult to find a footing. Fun fun.


Stormgirl said...

Hahaha... poor Trevor. I hate alarms, such nasty little buggers. You are going to do great in Spanish, have faith. You just need to practice with Emily and I.
Sorry you are sore.

Shelby said...

Aw good job having a good work ethic! :P I agree about the alarm clocks!

Isaacme said...

One of these days I just know I'm going to chuck that alarm clock across the room when it goes off. Which will be a shame because it's a really nice alarm clock.

Jeff said...

that was random trevor. LOL. Ya, I think you and I combined moved about 5 tons worth of sand up that 45 degree mountain. Good times! btw, it's sore, not soar. LOL. Ya, I think if my alarm clock were a person, I would find myself convicted of murder before long. LOL

Anonymous said...

You need to get an alarm that it won't matter if it breaks, then you set that one to go off in the mornings and you can chuck it around all you want.

Jeff said...

You oughta design one like that Ian! LOL. You could make a killing on those. Call it the "Unsmashable Alarm Clock!" Probably one of the best ways to wake up is to try to smash an unbreakable alarm clock. ROFL

Jeff said...

sorry, that was a little lame :p

Anonymous said...

Sorry you're sore...Dylan, too. Now, if you can just imagine-if you and Dylan are that sore, how's Mr. Breakey doing? At some point you've got to feel sorry for those middle aged guys WIVES. I'm SO glad Eric had to work that day.... Smirk. ~auntie

Anonymous said...

ok, Trevor, what's your secret? How do you manage 8-12 comments per post? amazing! anyway. ya, I hate my clock too. but I could do with chucking mine cuz ive had it since i was 10 or 12 and i could use an excuse to get one more age appropriate. :)

Stormgirl said...

Its amazing how alarm clocks can evoke such frustration. I like my clock (that has an alarm clock), but I hate it when it goes off. That is why I don't use it, cause I would quickly "kill" it. I use my cell phone as an alarm, which works quite beautifully my waking me up on vibrate. That is, it works well until it "forgets" to go off.
I know Nicole... how does he get so many comments. Not fair!

Isaacme said...

I'm just so likeable.

I think I've seen alarm clocks shaped like footbals that are ment to be thrown. If not that would be a great invention.