Monday, December 24, 2007
Another Doctrine
Trevor - A tie is a symbol of being held captive. Christ has released us from the yoke [which goes around one's neck - exactly like a tie] of sin. You see, ties are a symbol of being held captive to sin.
Elizabeth – we have now become slaves to righteousness so we are still slaves
Trevor - Yes, but
“For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:30
Obviously this can't be referring to a tie.
Elizabeth - We are to be slaves of righteousness (Romans 6:17) and the Greek word (δουλαγωγέω ) Paul uses there means “literally to lead into slavery,” or figuratively, relating to one’s physical body and bringing it under control. What does a tie do? It brings your body under control.
Trevor - Yes, a tie brings your body under control, but under what control? It brings it under the control of the sinful self who is willing to do anything, and I mean anything sinful to get rid of this tie. You see a tie brings a person under control, but it is the control of the sinful self.
Elizabeth –
1 Cor. 4:17
“For this slight momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, “ (eternal weight of glory=guys look good in ties)
2 Tim. 2:3
“Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus."
2 Tim. 2:8-10
“Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, the offspring of David, as preached in my gospel, 9 for which I am suffering, bound with chains as a criminal. But the word of God is not bound! 10 Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they also may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.”
If Paul endured chains, I’m pretty sure you can handle a tie.
Trevor - If forgetting where it's found but somewhere it says that when suffer you should make sure that you suffer because of Christ and not because of the wicked things that you have done. Since wearing a tie most definitely does not fall under suffering for Christ, it must fall under the category of wicked things.
Friday, December 21, 2007
A Gentleman's Conduct Toward Ladies.
Gentlemen are at liberty to invite their lady friends to concerts, operas, balls, etc.,to call upon them at their homes, to ride and drive with them, and make themselves agreeable to all young ladies to whom their company is acceptable. In fact they are at liberty to accept invitations and give them ad libitum. As soon, however, as a young gentleman neglects all others, to devote himself to a single lady, he gives that lady reason to suppose that he is particularly attracted to her, and ma give her cause to believe that she is to become engaged to him,without telling her so. A gentleman who does not contemplate matrimony should not pay too exclusive attention to any one lady.1887
Friday, December 14, 2007
About the author
Trevor [last name] is a charming, handsome, brilliant young man who has soaring and adventurous plans for his future. He plans to hang loose at Whatcom Community College for a couple years while he takes several classes that will transfer over to his prestigious degree in architecture at Washington State University’s School of Architecture. There he will study architecture for what he feels is the rest of his life. After completing school he plans to get married, have 3.75 kids, buy a big house with a white picket fence and of course own a dog named Rover. But for right now Trevor lives with his father, mother, and two siblings in a small town named Bellingham, Washington. Before he dies he hopes to drive a car backwards at 100 mph, do a perfect captain jack impersonation, and see his mother bungee jump.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Requirements for being a pastor at Silver Beach Community Church [this is just a joke by the way.]
1 Your oldest child must be a daughter
2 Your wife must have black hair.
3 You must be bald, balding, or graying
4 You must have a light, preferably white, car [I’m not sure of this, however. Is Pastor Lind’s car white?]
5 Must live in a two story house.
6 must have an occasionally rye sense of humor.
7 must have played Mega church-the game
So I really need your help to make this as complete as possible. [Again this is just a joke.]
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Narnia remake, or satan worship?
"if there is a God, and he is as the Christians describe him, then he deserves to be put down and rebelled against. As you look back over the history of the Christian church, it's a record of terrible infamy and cruelty and persecution and tyranny. How they have the bloody nerve to go on Thought for the Day and tell us all to be good when, given the slightest chance, they'd be hanging the rest of us and flogging the homosexuals and persecuting the witches."
There are many parallels between Golden Compass and Narnia. Talking animals. A big scene having to do with a wardrobe. A figure that represents God. However while the God figure in Narnia is a loving, yet mighty character who is willing to pay the ultimate sacrifice to save his often disobedient children, the God presented in the Golden Compass is a tyrant who “needs” to be rebelled against. For writing a book that resembles Narnia in many ways, Pullman says that
I hate the Narnia books, and I hate them with a deep and bitter passion… with their view of childhood as a golden age from which sexuality and adulthood are a
Plugged in, a ministry of Focus on the family, describes the book series as…
…a series of fantasy novels aimed at children that loosely draws inspiration from John Milton's epic poem Paradise Lost. This time around, however, "God" gets overthrown and the "Fall" becomes the source of humankind's redemption, not failure.So what makes the movie seem almost demonic to me? Because witches as presented as the good guys, and every person in the movie has a soul in the form of an animal called a dæmon [pronounced demon]
I find it incredibly scary how innocently this movie is presented. By watching the trailer you would guess that this is just a narnia remake.
If you’re interested in watching the trailer here’s a youtube link
If you want to read lugged in Magazines article on the movie
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Friday, November 16, 2007
An explanation
No, I did not forget Chris, but you’ll have to follow the link to get to his song
Adriane’s song is hopefully self explanatory
Yes Nicole and Dillon, your songs were meant to be a slam. [be happy I haven’t apologized about it… yet]
Mrs. Sutherlands song was just supposed to honoring of her job as a mother. It was better than the second chose for your song. That was the theme song to desperate house wives.
If you listened to all these Nicole I would be very impressed. I mean that would be 7 COUNTRY songs
Ps. Sorry about the slam Nicole and Dylan
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Barack Obama on Saturday Night Live
I don't like Obama, but it makes fun of Hillary and the other Democrats.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Learning from others
Up to this point I have mainly discussed this topic from the aspect of someone giving advice. However we must also look at this topic from the prospective of one who is receiving this advice. A student may be presented with all the right information that a parent, teacher, or book can give him, and yet if he lives life with a mindset of not believing anything, what good are all those resources to him? To refuse someone else’s advice is prideful. Take the classic example of the man refusing to stop for directions. What is he doing? He is refusing to take the advice of someone else. Why? He is being prideful. What will it cost him? Lost time. As teenagers our pride is put into overdrive. If we’re presented with a difficult math assignment, are we willing to go to a friend who is knowledgeable in math, or are we afraid to ask for help? What will we lose end up asking for help? We may end up being slightly embarrassed, but probably not as embarrassed as we would be if we got an f on the math test.
A good balance is where the parent or teacher realizes that sometimes, a person must learn things for himself. In addition, the other end of that is when the student realizes that sometimes he must let go of his pride, decipherer the information given to him, and realize that he cannot always discover everything for himself.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Learning from others part two
Unfortunately some parents don’t realize that life is also to be learned. Everyone needs advise. Why should we travel a road someone else has traveled? Now if this is an exiting road, say learning to walk, there might be a difference, but letting teen try harmful drugs when the parent knows people who have gone down that road and discovered it to be harmful and dangerous, would be foolish. Abstinence from drugs is either avoiding harm or the avoidance of unnecessary time spent “experimenting” with that dark and slippery road called drugs. Learning to walk is a good thing. The baby will have to do this anyways. There is a difference in-between letting someone try something harmful and letting someone learn a necessary part of life that will end up being for their own good. Might the baby get slightly hurt when he falls? Possibly, but not nearly as much as he would if he tried going through life without knowing how to walk. The same is not true for trying drugs. The harm is not worth the outcome because no outcome from that scenario is good.
There must be a balance in-between letting a child learn life and letting him live life. To say that someone should learn everything by learning from others would be foolish. In many instances the person would never end up learning anything. But to say, question authority, would be foolish, too. Yes we should question the information given to us, but we shouldn’t try to always come up with that information on our own. However we should be open to other’s ideas, not in a believe anything that comes along sort of way, but in a discerning of the advice given us. We must always find a medium. Neither extreme is good.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Accepting other's information - part one
Now if a scientist were to try to come up with a theory that someone else had already come up with, say how to make a light bulb, he would be foolish. He would be wise to study the research already done on light bulbs. He could question the theory itself, test it, and see if he can come up with a better way of doing it, but to spend time “discovering” something someone else has already discovered, is utterly pointless. It’s reliving history. When we are presented with evidence, but say we think that we must try everything out for ourselves, we deceive ourselves into thinking that we our discovering something new.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
My new blog [I'll still mostly post here]
Don't worry I will still post on here. Or should I say I will try to post on here. Man Life is so busy these days.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Life at Whatcom
Just in case someone wanted to know, I am taking math 98, English 101, Art 112, and a weight training PE class.
Today I bough drawing supplies for my art class. I felt so stupid. The teacher gave us a list of what we needed, and even showed us examples of what we needed, but when I got to the store and saw shelves upon shelves of art supplies that looked a lot like what I needed, it got a bit overwhelming. Art seams like it will be a lot of fun though. During the quarter we’re supposed to draw 50 short drawings [15 minutes or less]. We will also have larger projects both in and out of class.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Doctrines that I've invented
Heresy #1
Proverbs 14:9 Fools mock
Since we don’t want to be a fool, we shouldn’t mock.
Matthew 5:11"Blessed are you when people insult you
Since we wouldn’t want to withhold people’s blessings, we should insult as many people as possible.
However, we must be careful only to insult and not to mock, because we don’t want to be a fool
Heresy #2
Matthew 6:17-18 But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face,
so that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting,
See it’s biblical, we should gel [put oil on] our hair. And to those who would say that we should only gel when we’re fasting, I strongly rebuke you. We must always gel our hair otherwise people would know we are fasting because we’re wearing gel.
Heresy #3
Job 15:14 What is man… born of woman, that he could be righteous?
Obviously this verse is saying that the fact that men are born from woman is what makes us unrighteous.
Some of you may have heard all of these before, but maybe some of you haven’t. Again, I would like to emphasize that there is NO Christian on the face of this planet that believes this. THIS IS TOTALLY MADE UP. The verses are COMPLETELY taken out of context.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
A modern book of Amos
For three sins of China, even for four the Lord will not turn back his wrath. For they have killed innocent baby girls.
For three sins of Colombia, even for four the Lord will not turn back his wrath. For they have traded in harmful drugs for the sake of profit.
For three sins of Syria, even for four the Lord will not turn back his wrath. For they have harbored terrorists
For three sins of Cuba, even for four the Lord will not turn back his wrath. For they have oppressed the word of the Lord
For three sins of Iraq, even for four the Lord will not turn back his wrath. For they have broken their promises made to other nations
For three sins of Great Brittan, even for four the Lord will not turn back his wrath. For they have turned from their former faith and have chosen to follow other God’s or the God of science.
For three sins of the United States of America, even for four the Lord will not turn back his wrath. For they have…
1 not sought after God
2 they have tried to bar God from their public places
3 their churches have focused on attendance records rather than God’s word
4 other churches have chosen to hate the sinner instead of the sin
5 they have craved wealth
6 they have killed the unborn
7 they have committed disgusting sexual acts
Just like in the days of Amos, our earth is full of godless nations, but unfortunately the buck doesn’t stop their. Just like in the case of Amos, our nation, too, is ungodly. And just like in the days of Amos, we shouldn’t be to anxious for the Lord’s judgment on other nations, because our nations judgment will be coming.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Problems with Evolutions
Creation can’t be proven wrong-you can’t prove there is no God. However you can prove that key factors of evolution don’t work. Creationists claim that an outside force, of which we can’t prove or disprove, formed life here on earth. Aka, this is something knew and untouchable to us. Evolutionists claim that things that were formerly disorderly, or even non existent, were made into something orderly. We scientifically know this to be impossible. So with evolution we know the evidence; we know it isn’t possible. With creation, we don’t have the evidence, therefore we can’t know either way.
There is no way to prove there is no God. God can be anywhere, and in anytime. There is no way for us to prove that God does not exist.
According to the theory of evolution, one species slowly formed into another species by process of mutation. When have we ever known mutations to be helpful? They aren’t; mutations are harmful not helpful. If animals really did evolve from one species to another, why aren’t there more “missing links?” Surely if something slowly mutated into something else, there would be loads of fossil evidence. However the facts say other wise. There have been very few fossils found of the missing links, and the ones that are found are all questionable.
In conclusion, we know evolution to not be possible. We don’t know creation to be impossible.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Mega churhc: the game

List Price: $59.99 Price: $38.99
Imagine if you could create the church you wanted, any way you wanted. Put together a worship service exactly the way YOU want: hymns, no hymns, drums, no drums. Are you from Wisconsin, start Polka Mass! Start a building campaign, ask for donations. Be the next Joel Osteen as you play Mega Church.
Product Description
-Troublesome board members
-Elderly donor who wants to buy a new organ
-A son starts using drugs
-Your trusted deacon sleeps with your secretary
-The city starts a construction in front of your building
-Offering stolen
Click here to buy
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
God’s Marvelous Handiwork [part 3]
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.
There is so much that just doesn’t make sense with the process of evolution. Look at the Ant Eater for example. The Ant Eater’s mouth isn’t made for eating anything but ants, yet there are no other animals with a mouth shaped like the ant eaters. How could the ant eater have evolved slowly? In the process of its mouth growing out, it would have lost the ability to eat normal food, and still not been able to eat ants. So if the Ant Eater were to have evolved slowly, at some time or other along the way it wouldn’t have been able to eat anything. Aka, it would have died out.
If nature has such a powerful role as to show men that there is a God, I would like to see more of this nature. Wouldn’t you?
Clearly there are more reasons that nature is important, but I don’t have time to cover them all. I would like to say real quickly that I am not an environmental whack job. Someday I’ll get around to posting my non-to-gratifying view of environmentalists, but that shall come another day. In ending, I would like to say that I encourage you to find some form of outside recreation. Whether it be hiking, biking, camping, or jogging, I think you’ll be amazed at the beauty of what God has created for you.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
God’s Marvelous Handiwork [part two]
I personally really love the outdoors. It amazes me to think that God loved us enough to create a beautiful world for us to live in. 3-d vision, color, shapes; these are just some of the amazing gifts that God has given us to brighten our world. It’s sad that we take these gifts for granted. Think of the mountains. What practical use do they have? Yes, during spring the snow melts, giving us water to drink, but couldn’t God have provided another way to get water? Yes, but he didn’t. He loves us and he wants us to have something beautiful to see. Why did God make flowers so beautiful? Why didn’t he make them brown or black or grey? He did it because he loves us, and wants to give us good things.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
God’s Marvelous Handiwork [part 1]
This world has created a false sense of beauty. We’ve said that beauty is the sexy girl with tons of mascara, in a bikini, on a magazine, in the checkout line at the grocery store. While God has created humans, and thus they are a beautiful creation, our society has taken what was beautiful, altered it, and made something revolting - sin. This paragraph may seam WAY out of place from the rest of this series, but I just wanted to make a point that God’s beauty is far better than earthly, sinful, “beauty.” I would also like to add that getting into nature usually gets you, at least partially, away from the false “beauty” of this world. It’s great to be out in the wilderness, knowing that you’re away from the bustle of people. And where there are less people, there are less temptations from the opposite sex.
Monday, September 10, 2007
We Stand United
We sympathize with those who are still hurting
We support our troops, protecting our nation
We understand the war on terror must be won
We stand united, or together we fall.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Photos from this summer






Tuesday, September 4, 2007
I have a post almost ready to go for when I get back so don’t get too impatient.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
"This is good"
A king had a loyal and faithful cupbearer. The king trusted him completely. The two were friends. But the cupbearer had an interesting habit. In the most dire of circumstances, his first response was always to say, “This is good.”
One day, the king had a black-powder rifle. The cupbearer loaded it incorrectly and when it fired, it blew off the king’s thumb. The cupbearer said, “This is good.” Enraged, the king threw his friend into the deepest dungeon.
A year later, the king was traveling in Africa when a tribe of man-eaters captured him. As he was about to be cooked, the tribe’s leader noticed he had no thumb. Because they would not eat anything imperfect, the king was released.
He hurried home and to the dungeon. He was filled with overwhelming thankfulness, for he realized that had he not lost his thumb, he would have lost his life. The king
released his friend and could not apologize enough for having imprisoned him.
All the cupbearer said was: “This is good; this is good.”
“How can you say that being locked in a dungeon was good?!” the king demanded.
“Sire,” the cupbearer said, “I am your cupbearer. I am always at your side. Had I not been in prison, I would have surely been with you when they discovered your thumb missing. I would have been eaten instead. So this is good.”
Saturday, September 1, 2007
I’d like to just share a couple nuggets that stuck out to me today. The first is a poem by Fanny Crosby.
More like Jesus would I be, let my Savior dwell with me;
Fill my soul with peace and love—make me gentle as a dove;
More like Jesus, while I go, pilgrim in this world below;
Poor in spirit would I be; let my Savior dwell in me.
If He hears the raven’s cry, if His ever watchful eye
Marks the sparrows when they fall, surely He will hear my call:
He will teach me how to live, all my sinful thoughts forgive;
Pure in heart I still would be—let my Savior dwell in me.
More like Jesus when I pray, more like Jesus day by day,
May I rest me by His side, where the tranquil waters glide.
Born of Him through grace renewed, by His love my will subdued,
Rich in faith I still would be—let my Savior dwell in me.
The second nugget I actually found by listening to Steven Curtis Chapman explain story behind the song You Are Being Loved off his soon-to-be-released album This Moment.
Zephaniah 3:17 says The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing."
Isn’t it great to know that God rejoices over us?
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Knowing God’s will
Note: I don’t claim any expertise on knowing the will of God. This is just my findings from studying the bible.
Renewing of the mind
Abstinence from the things of this world
Godly council
Finding God’s will
Monday, August 27, 2007
Rockport update
Next week my family will be heading off for a vacation on the Olympic peninsula so I won’t be able to post then but I plan on getting a couple quality posts done before then.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Friday, August 17, 2007
My Testimony
I was a good kid. I still had my perfect church record. I was obedient [most of the time.] I had my devotion time every day. But about a year ago I realized that my relationship with Jesus was not growing closer. I was satisfied with were I was in life. I had minimized my short comings. I didn’t have a real sudden conviction, but rather over a period over time God showed me that I needed to be constantly “excelling still more.” It’s not enough to read the bible and pray, you have to continually ask God to help you over come your struggles. I guess God is still showing me that.
My testimony isn’t one of someone who was on drugs, but it does have something in common with the drug addict turned Jesus addict – I’ve felt God’s call on my life – and that’s super cool. To know that God has called me, not in some weird, audible way, but in the gripping of the heart, is so cool. A few months ago, I would have told you I had no opinion on the Calvinism vs. Armenian issue [yes, even after pastor’s seemingly never ending series on the subject.] However God has shown me how cool a thing his election and calling is. Well that’s my testimony. What about your testimony? It may not be as cool as someone else’s, but remember, you were called by God. In the grand scope of God’s greatness, it doesn’t really matter what you were saved from, all that matters is where you are going from here.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Thursday, August 9, 2007
At this moment in time
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
I got to fiddle camp on Sunday, got home Thursday evening. Left for our churches’ family camp on Friday morning and got home Sunday afternoon just in time to have my Aunt and Uncle from Chicago over for supper. Then it was off bright and early Monday morning for work at C.E.F. I apologize that I haven’t posted here or commented on your guys’ bogs. I’ve just been super busy.
This week we’ve had a pretty big camp. I’m not sure what today’s [Tuesday] numbers were but I believe they were higher than the 65 yesterday. Today I had 18 kids on my team; half of them have no concept of obedience. It’s been very tough knowing how to get through to these kids. No form of discipline seems to work. We take away game time, snack time, video time, still they disobey. I feel like it’s turned into a war of me against the kids and that the kids aren’t really having fun because their always getting yelled at, but yet they’re not willing to change their ways. Please pray for wisdom for me and the other leaders to be able to get through to the kids and pray also for creativity in discipline.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Entering the Holy of Holies
Some people think that the New Testament portrays God as a much more reachable and down to earth God than the God of the Old testament. I Love how this verse uses Old Testament examples to remind us that God is just as powerful now as he was in the Old Testament, and yet God allows us to pray and commune with him. This passage is so awesome.
…we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place… the Holy of Holies was a place reserved only for priests; and only after they had been ceremonially cleaned. This awesome passage says that we can enter the Holy of Holy’s. All the ceremonial washing, all the set apart line of priesthood, all the special things that the priests would do has been replaced by one thing: Jesus Christ. Because of Jesus Christ we are able to enter into the Holly of holies: the throne room of God.
In the holy of Hollies is the Ark of the Covenant. The same ark that Uzzah reached out to steady, and was struck down by God. How amazing is it that we have access through Christ to this powerful God? I know you all know how awesome of a gift it is to pray to God, but I just love how this passage reminds me of just how amazing that gift is.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Kid: everybody be quite
Leader: kid, be quite
Kid: I am being quite
Leader: sssshhhh
Kid: I can be quite. See I’m quite. Aren’t I doing a good job?
[yes this scenario really happens]
I have to laugh at these kids other wise I’d start crying.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Monday, July 23
Two of the kids on our group had a very hard time with obeying. We would tell them to do something and they would just refuse to do it. Thank goodness they aren’t rowdy kids, but their disobedience is really bad. Now at club we have rewards for kids that behave and we told these two kids that they wouldn’t get the rewards if they didn’t shape up, but that didn’t work as an encouragement at all [and yes we didn’t give them the rewards]. Tomorrow we’ll have to try taking away such things as game time, snack time, and craft time. One of the hard things with one of the families that one of these kids comes from is that his parents are professing Christians, but they don’t walk with the Lord and they totally allow the kids to disobey at home. This same kid [Ben] prayed a sinner’s prayer last year at camp, and he knows all the fundamentals of the gospel, but for him to see his Christ-professing parents not walking with the Lord at home, he’s getting mixed messages. Please pray for Ben. [and for good weather.]
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Thursday and Friday
I hate Wal-Mart haters
For all those who think Target is so much better than Wal-Mart - it isn’t. It’s all in what you pay for. Wal-Mart may have lower quality items, but they’re also less expensive. Target stores may be slightly cooler, but not all the time. I’ve seen nice Wal-Mart’s and I’ve seen trashy Target stores. As far as clothing goes, Wal-Mart so beets Target. The clothing at Wal-Mart is ten times better than that found at Target.
#2 Local businesses are not going to come to an end
There will always be people like my aunt who would rather die than walk into a Wal-Mart. True, local businesses are hurt buy nationwide chains, but think about it – say your local photo-shop looses money because Wal-Mart has a photo section. Well you may be loosing money, but you’re also saving money by shopping for your groceries at the Wal-Mart grocery centre. Now this doesn’t work in all cases, but just get my point that the economy is not going to come to an end when Wal-Mart moves into your town.
#3 politicians are so dumb [well obviously]
Politicians will do seemingly anything to stop Wal-Mart. In the county where I live, both the cities and the county have decided not to allow Wal-Mart to build here. So what is Wal-Mart planning on doing? Building on the reservation. Now our county will still have a Wal-Mart, but we won’t have the taxes from it. In addition to all this, we will have to pay to upgrade all the county roads out to the reservation. All of this is so stupid. Just let Wal-Mart build in town.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
My heart Christ's home
This is just a paraphrase of Mr. Monger’s great book. It deals so plainly with giving complete control of everything in your heart to God. Again, I would really recommend you buy this great little book. Is your heart Christ’s home?
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Tuesday, July 17
Monday, July 16, 2007
Monday, July 16
1 Leaders start relying on themselves instead of God.
2 Leaders start talking amongst themselves and start ignoring the kids.
Please pray that neither of these things will happen.
Isn’t it so sad, though, that when God doesn’t give us an impossible seaming task, we tend to stop relying on him? We need to rely on God al the time. Not only in hard times, but also in good times.
Tonight we had another softball game. It was so much fun. We lost big time. However I thought our team played really well. We didn’t really make all that many errors, the other team just knew how to place the ball. I made my first non-single hit of the season. I actually got to third base. My family told me that I had an awful swing and I’m sure I did but I’m just glad to hit something besides a single. Though of course my other up to bad I struck out, but we will try not to dwell on that.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Prayer requests
Next week I have a club way out in Sumas. I will have to wake up very early. Please pray that God will give me strength.
Thursdays and Fridays are usually my hardest days; it’s getting late in the week which means I’m getting more tired and the kids start acting up more.
2 Health
Because I’m in charge of game time I have to do a lot of yelling. My throat is getting soar so please pray that it makes it through the summer.
3 Kids
Please pray for these kids. Many of them come from very rough homes. Please pray that these children would be receptive to the gospel.
Friday, July 13
Friday evening we went to a Mariners game. It was a blast; all except for the drive down that is. We got stuck in bad traffic and when traffic suddenly stopped the traffic behind us didn’t. To make matters scarier that vehicle that hit us was a motorcycle. We were in the left lane and he couldn’t stop so he tried to go onto the left shoulder but he hit the back left corner of our van first. I was sitting in the back seat and saw the guy coming and so when I heard the thump I thought “oh man there’s a dead guy splattered to the back of the van.” Luckily only the guys mirror hit our van and the guy, our car, and most of his bike was ok. However it was a very scary ordeal. Well the Mariners lost 6-3 but it was a fun game and there were a lot of people from church there.
I’ll try to post a real post sometime here.
Thursday, July 12
Wednesday, July 11
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Tuesday July 10, 2007
Please also pray for me as I’m leading games. I don’t know if it’s just imposible to please this many kids or if I’m having a realy hard time finding good games. If you have any suggestions for fun group games to play with kids please post your ideas.
Monday July 9
We have a TON of kids [82] and a tiny church; Thankfully we are able to go outside for a lot of the day.
Please pray for a kid that I talked to today at day camp. I believe his name was Dylan. I shared the plan of salvation and led him in a sinners prayer but he didn’t seam to sure. When I asked if he wanted Jesus to take his sins away he said I guess; he wasn’t very committal. I had asked Dylan when I first started talking with him if he had ever accepted Christ as his savior and he said no. But I later my instructor told me that he had also prayed last year. Please ask God to make himself real to Dylan and to help him see his need for a savior and to be assured that Jesus truly can take his sins away.
CEF Letter
From April 9-13 I worked with about nine other youth at a training day-camp which was like a rehearsal only we had actual children present. At the training camp, we got to see what we would be doing this summer but in a simpler format. During the day-camps children will hear Bible stories, eat snacks, complete crafts, learn to witness to other children [while hearing the basics of the gospel themselves], listen to Adventures in Odyssey [our theme this year], and play lots of games. At the camps, I will be in charge of helping a group of children complete these activities and I will also have the opportunity to occasionally teach the Bible story and memory verse.
Even though it’s not always easy, I really enjoy working with children. Christ told us that a child’s trusting spirit is an example of what our faith should look like. Because children are more open to the gospel, children’s ministry is one of the most effective ministry fields. I believe that the teen-age years of my life are a great opportunity to serve the Lord because I have fewer responsibilities to tie me down.
I would greatly appreciate your prayers this summer. Some things that I would cherish your prayers in are
1 Stamina to work the whole summer
2 Patience towards the kids and other workers
3 Guidance for situations that arise
4 Submissiveness to the Lord and to my leaders
Please also pray that God would teach me to completely rely on him.